
Political Rally On Public Land Ordinances Introduced By Township Council

Ordinances that allow for public rallies and speeches at township parks and at the municipal gazebo were introduced at the August 9 Township Council meeting.

The ordinances were introduced to bring the township “in line withe the First Amendment,” Mayor Phil Kramer said.

The first ordinance modifies Chapter 260 of the park and recreation regulations to allow for public speeches and rallies in township parks.

The modification also allows for the display of “flag, banner, transparency, target, sign, placard or any other matter for advertising purposes,” but only in the area of the rally or speech.

The signs must be removed at the end of the event, according to the proposed modifications. The modification also prohibits those items from being displayed along entrance driveways or parking lots.

The second ordinance creates Chapter 235 for the municipal gazebo.

The proposed change sets fees for renting the gazebo at $40 for a four-hour block for residents and $80 for non-residents.

It also calls for a $300 maintenance escrow payment, and a non-refundable $20 deposit with the the application.

The ordinance allows political campaign rallies and speeches at the gazebo on any day except primary election and general election days.

Flags banners and other signs can be displayed on the gazebo during the duration of the event, but must be removed when it is over.

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