
News Of Franklin Graduates

Brinoy Patel of Franklin Park and Anokhi Shah of Somerset were among students in Philadelphia College of Pharmacy at University of the Sciences who received their white coats at a ceremony on Saturday, Sept. 19. The white coat ceremony is an annual rite of passage for students in their first professional year (third year) of USciences’ six-year pharmacy program, and symbolizes their dedication to the profession of pharmacy and to the care of others.

These students continue on the path to receiving their doctor of pharmacy degree in May 2019. Donning their white coats, the more than 150 student-pharmacists recited the Oath of a Pharmacist, a gesture to reinforce their commitment to working with patients compassionately and to enhancing their health and well-being.

Alexander Micale of Somerset has been named to the summer 2015 dean’s list at University of the Sciences. Selection for this award is based on completing and passing all assigned courses with no grade below a “C” and attaining an academic average of at least 3.4 for courses taken in the summer semester of 2015.

Micale is a doctor of pharmacy student.


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