A crack in the Naaman Williams Park pool has forced its temporary closure, but the township does have a Plan B.
Township Manager Robert Vornlocker told the Township Council July 10 that children who were signed up for programs at the pool will be bused to and from Warrenbrook Pool in Warren and the Bridgewater YMCA pool at no charge.
In addition, he said, program fees have been refunded.
“Generally speaking, there are trips on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and Tuesdays and Thursdays are taken up by other activities,” he said. “There are some Mondays that already had previously scheduled trips and what have you, but they’ll be able to go for a couple of hours and utilize those pools in lieu of our pool for those children who had signed up for programs, and also just those children as kind of an open swim during the day will be able to go to those pools transported by us and brought home and that will be at no cost to them or their parents. We’re just trying to make every accommodation.”
Vornlocker said the township had tried to fix the crack, but it apparently spread once the pool was filled with water.
“As a result of I guess age, and the fact that we tried to make some repairs to a crack that then spread once the pool was filled, the pool had to be drained,” he said. “We had two companies come in to give quotes on emergency repairs today, we anticipate getting those quotes back in the next day or two, and we’ve been told it’s anywhere from three days to a week’s worth of work to repair, then obviously we’d have to fill the pool back up again and get the chemical levels back to where they’d need to be.”
“So as much as I’d like to give you an exact date, that’s kind of the rough timeline right now,” Vornlocker said.
Vornlocker said a spray park was also opened recently “and that’s an alternative to the pool when it gets too hot for the kids.”
He also warned the council that a larger remediation plan for the pool is in the offing.
“I think you’ll probably hear about resurfacing the pool when we talk about budgeting for 2019 in the capital improvements projects in the parks,” he said. “It looks like we need to do a complete resurfacing of the pool.”
“It’s disappointing, we don’t like these things to happen, and we tried to do everything in our power and do some emergency repairs, unfortunately it didn’t work, so we have to take it a little bit further,” Vornlocker said. “We’re making every effort to accommodate everybody as best we can.”