
Middlebush Reformed Church Presents 10th ‘Living Nativity’

Middlebush Reformed Church, Amwell and South Middlebush roads, Somerset, will hold its 10th annual “Living Nativity” Dec. 13 and 14.

This year’s presentation is highlighted by caroling by the Middlebush Reformed Church choir with members of the Cantabile Chamber Chorale, a chorus of approximately 30 voices, directed by Rebecca Scott.  In 2012, Cantabile celebrated its 25th anniversary and recently performed at The Juilliard School in New York City.

The Living Nativity features a guided candle-lit walk, with guests stopping at four sites to hear parts of the Christmas story.  Costumed characters, caroling, and animals are other highlights of the event.  This year, in addition to hearing a donkey’s brays and a sheep’s baas – courtesy of Von Thun Farms – guests will get to see a dromedary, a one-humped camel from another nearby farm.

The Living Nativity is free and will be presented from 7-9 p.m. Dec. 13, and 6-9 p.m. Dec. 14.

For information or directions, 732 873 2776 or www.middlebushreformedchurch.com.


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