
In Your Opinion: Vote For LaCorte, Danielsen, Singh For School Board

By Ed Potosnak.

It has been a pleasure to serve alongside current board members Christine Danielsen and Nancy LaCorte in my tenure on the Board of Education. They are both extremely dedicated to taking Franklin to the next level and committed to supporting and promoting the countless accomplishments of our faculty, staff, students, and parents.

Prior to my arrival on the board, LaCorte and Danielsen were working tirelessly to unleash the potential of our schools from the shackles of strife and toxicity of a dysfunctional Board of Education. I know for many this feels like ages ago when the board was plagued by unproductive power struggles, secretiveness, and harmful distractions that left the district professionals to pick up the pieces and muddle through the animosity dominating the board, but a board member’s term is only three years.

As many of us have seen, organizations reflect, in many ways, their leadership and while the Franklin Township administration, staff, and faculty did a commendable job of pushing through this noise, and continuing to achieve amazing results for our young people, it was all too often like running through mud.

With tenacious resolve, LaCorte and Danielsen listened carefully to concerns of members of our community and were the conscience for Franklin families on the Board of Education, helping put us in the strong position we are today. Establishing permanent leadership throughout the administration, maintaining a laser-like focus on achieving goals to established collaboratively among the board, overseeing an expansive facilities enhancement and expansion, expanding our gifted and talented and pre-K programs, supporting enhanced professional development for our teachers and staff to improve student performance, and so many other incredibly impactful initiatives are possible because of their membership on the board.

Franklin needs Danielsen’s and LaCorte’s continued involvement in our schools to ensure the tremendous progress during their terms can continue.

I am also honored to support Ardaman Singh for Franklin School Board as well. Singh is an outstanding member of the Franklin community and a highly involved school parent. Ms. Singh cares deeply about education and is a fighter, standing up for what is right in the face of adversity without flinching. Her active involvement in the PTSO and clear communications have helped to improve our schools in many ways.

A mother of two boys, one at Sampson and another who just entered the High School, Singh is committed to the long-term success of our schools. I have always been impressed with her insights and judgment and believe these be great assets to the Franklin Board of Education.

It is my hope you will join me in supporting Christine Danielsen, Nancy LaCorte and Ardaman Singh for three-year terms on the Franklin Township Board of Education.

I write this letter of support not in my role as President of the Franklin Board of Education, but as an active and concerned member of the Franklin Township Community.

Your Thoughts


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