
In Your Opinion: Support Russo For Sheriff, Marano For Freeholder

By Deana Luchs, Somerset.

I have noticed the recent slew of the Somerset County GOP negative television campaign ads. Unfortunately, mudslinging has boiled down to the county level in NJ against Democrats Melonie Marano for Freeholder and Darrin Russo for Sheriff and it won’t work. Spreading scurrilous information will do nothing to help the GOP candidates win in November.

Melonie is a proponent of LGBTQ+ rights, will work to bring business back to Somerset County to help keep taxes down, and will encourage the Somerset County Freeholder Board to help towns coordinate shared emergency services.

Darrin will work hard to fight hate crimes and will work to make our schools and places of worship safer. Both candidates are the real deal. They are honest, dedicated and committed and have been endorsed by several community organizations. As public servants, they will bring a breath of fresh air to Somerset County politics.

I wholeheartedly endorse Melonie and Darrin! It is time for a change!

Your Thoughts


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