
In Your Opinion: Danielsen Will Not Support Call For Potosnak’s Resignation

By Christine Danielsen, Somerset.

Not only will I NOT be asking Mr. Potasnak to resign, I offer kudos on his speech. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the graduation ceremony, but I have had the opportunity to watch the video of the entire ceremony, including Ed’s speech, a few times. The speech, in my opinion was engaging, thoughtful, and relevant. The message he delivered to the graduates incorporated a landmark Supreme Court decision that was handed down that very day. He tied the decision into an inspirational and motivating speech encouraging the graduates to make a difference in this world, no matter if they are a force of one (mosquito in a tent), or a force of millions. He reiterated that the world is theirs and the opportunity to make important changes, just like the one that was made that very day, is theirs. I can only hope that the graduates listened carefully to that speech and the message it delivered.

Asking Mr. Potasnak to resign would be irresponsible. The students, teachers, staff, administration, parents & community members would be hard pressed to find another Board President who cares about and works as hard for the students in Franklin Township as Ed does. Many don’t know that, in addition to his full time career, Ed devotes that same amount of time, every week to our school district. He does this because he is passionate about the student’s well being and education. He cares about the staff and administration. In a way, Ed is a “mosquito in the tent”. He intends to make a difference . But by now I hope he knows he is not a force of one. He has MANY supporters!

I implore anyone who feels the Mr. Potasnak’s speech was inappropriate and self-serving, to watch it again, and again if necessary. I think you’ll find that, not only was the speech appropriate, it was meaningful and well intended.

Danielsen is a member of the Board of Education.

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