
In Your Opinion: Ask NJDEP For New Public Hearings On Transco Project

Submitted by the Franklin Township Task Force on COmpressor Station 206.

Before August 2 – Take a minute to let NJDEP know that you want them to hear your concerns about Compressor Station 206 & pipeline under Raritan Bay

Maybe once, maybe twice, but never thrice … Williams/Transco’s 2017 permit applications were withdrawn because they were technically deficient, and the 2018 applications were denied by NJDEP “without prejudice” (meaning that Williams/Transco could reapply.  That is what they did on June 12, 2019 – one week after the June 5 denial.

Trying for a third time to get permits to build the NESE Project, we need to again voice our concerns to the NJDEP.

It’s time for NJDEP to reject the permit applications for the NESE Project for good, but they need to again hear from many people.

We have until August 2 (Friday) to ask the NJDEP to hold public hearings (a.k.a. fact-finding meetings) on the new applications by Williams/Transco for water permits for the NESE Project that includes the proposed Compressor Station 206 which, if built, would threaten our well-being, health and safety for decades.

Let the NJDEP know that you want our concerns heard at hearings, and let them know that you want all of us to have more time to review the volumes of material and plans.

Click the following links to sign online petitions to relay this message:

Sign the petition from Sierra Club here: 


Sign the petition from Food & Water Watch here:


Sign the petition from New Jersey League of Conservation Voters here:


 Hopefully, NJDEP will provide additional time for comments.  In the meanwhile, comment ideas have been posted on the Franklin Township Task Force’s website, www.scrap-NESE.org as part of the Action Alert:  Send Comments to NJDEP by August 2.

Your Thoughts


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