A crackdown on illegal dumping in state parks, forests, wildlife management areas and natural areas will be announced by the state’s top environmental officers at noon March 27 at a Blackwells Mills Road site.
State Department of Environmental Commissioner Bob Martin and DEP Deputy Commissioner Michele Siekerka will announced the effort at the Delaware & Raritan Canal State Park location at 77 Blackwell Mills Rd.
There will also be a volunteer cleanup at the site.
“This is an important project we’ve been working on for a while because illegal dumping in our parks and on our state lands has been an increasing problem that bothers basically anyone who likes to commune with nature, said DEP spokesman Bob Considine. “We hope this initiative we’re announcing will make a real difference in terms of how much debris we’re pulling from places like D&R Canal State Park and other places throughout the state.”
Considine said many volunteers would be coming out for the event, but more are always welcome. Those who do wish to volunteer are advised to wear boots, he said.