
Hundreds Attend Job Fair Sponsored By Assemblyman Danielsen

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State assemblymen Joe Danielsen sponsored a job fair at the Imperia on April 13.

More than 400 job-seekers showed up that the Imperia on Easton Avenue April 13 hoping to make a connection with their next employer.

The event was the second job fair sponsored by state Assemblyman Joe Danielsen (D-17). Co-hosting was state Asemblyman Andrew Wicker, (D-16), the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Imperia.

About 70 vendors participated in the event, which Danielsen called a success.

“It’s all about helping people find jobs and helping employers find candidates,” he said.

“If people don’t have jobs, they’re not happy,” Danielsen said. “I’ve been at the end of the job-seeking line in my past, and I know what it’s like.”

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Help was available for those wishing to fine-tune their resume.

“This is a no-brainer,” he said. “These companies need employees and these people need jobs. Some people just don’t know the job-seeking process, and they seem to be lost in a hopeless and helpless search in just finding a job to provide for their families.”

The day also offered seminars on resume writing and perfecting job interview skills. Help was also available for those whose resume needed a tune-up.


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