As it has since Rutherford B. Hayes was the U.S. President, the Griggstown Reformed Church held its annual Harvest Home Festival on Aug. 18 on the church grounds.
This was the 138th annual gathering that brings village residents out to taste home cooking, hear music and singing and play a variety of games.
One of the event’s co-chairmen, Kevin Grennen, said he’s been coming to the festival since he was a child.
“I absolutely” looked forward to it every year,” he said.
“It’ a long-standing tradition,” he said. “The church puts it on but it’s for the community. We have people help us from throughout the community and many more than enjoy it, look forward to it every year, build their vacations around it often.”
“We’re grateful for good weather, most of the time that’s the case,” Grennen said. “Just trying to make a good outreach, a good showing and have a nice day.”
Bill Schwarz, the event’s other co-chair, said the day was the church’s biggest fundraiser.
“We’ve had people come back from like Minnesota to visit,” he said. “It’s like a reunion of sorts.”
Barbecue is the star of the day, he said, but people also come for other homemade food, plus home-baked desserts and fresh produce.
The day also featured a variety of displays, a silent auction and information in the historic one-room schoolhouse, located behind the church.
Musical offering during the day included the Jersey Harmony Chorus, Leslie and Maleah, the church’s Praise Team an the Blawenburg Band, which has been performing at the festivals since at least 1925.
The event is usually held two weeks before Labor Day, so as to catch people before they leave for their end-of-summer vacations, Schwarz said.
Following are some scenes from the day: