
Franklin Veteran Installed As First Female Commander At VFW Post

NEW COMMANDER – Township resident Laura Johnson, the first female Commander at VFW Post 9111, holds the Commendation given to her by Mayor Phil Kramer.

A township resident made history on June 2 when she became the first female Commander installed at VFW Post 9111 in Kendall Park.

Laura Johnson, a 20-year veteran of the Navy Reserves was inducted in her new position during the annual officer installation ceremony at the Post.

Johnson has been a member of Post 9111 for about the past three years. She said the reason she wanted to join is that after retiring from the Reserves, she was looking to find a way to continue to serve her community.

“I retired and wanted to continue to serve,” she said. “I found this post and just engaged … the opportunity came along, three years, four years, and I am here where I am.”

“It has been a journey the last three, four years … learning what this whole process is.” she said.

Johnson credited her rapid rise to Commander on her mentors, including the woman who swore her in, outgoing District Commander Yvonne Zirrith. Zirrith is also the first female Commander of VFW Post 262 in Monroe.

In her address to the Post, Zirrith said that she wants “the outgoing commander and the new commander to work together” to ensure cohesiveness in the Post.

The VFW’s role in the community is “to help our veterans,” Johnson said.

She said Post members work with other organizations, such as the Menlo Veterans Association in Edison, the local fire department and the local police department.

Mayor Phil Kramer presented Johnson with a Commendation from him and the Township Council that said her becoming the first female Commander of the Post “is a testament to her leadership skills, integrity and her dedication to her fellow veterans.”

“She serves her comrades and keeps our society going,” Kramer said. “Many people serve without having to be in the military. I’m very proud of having a Franklin woman being a Commander of a VFW post.”

The Franklin Reporter & Advocate was on hand at the ceremony:

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