
Franklin Middle School Principal Resigns; District Releases Few Details

RaShawn Adams
Franklin Middle School principal RaShawn Adams has resigned. His resignation is one of several topics that will be discussed at a special Board of Education meeting May 12.

Franklin Middle School principal RaShwan Adams resigned May 11.

RaShawn’s resignation was confirmed in a brief email statement sent by school district spokeswoman Mary Clark.

“Earlier today, Dr. RaShawn Adams submitted his resignation as the Principal of Franklin Middle School,” Clark wrote. “Until such time as the Board of Education appoints an Acting Principal, our current building administrators will continue to manage the day-to-day operations of Franklin Middle School, with the assistance of central administration, if necessary.”

Clark said she had no further information on Adams’ resignation.

With Adams’ resignation, the Board of Education now has to find new principals for the high school, Sampson G. Smith Intermediate School, and the middle school. Sampson principal Eileen Brett has announced her retirement.

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