
FR&A Photo Gallery: Busy Night At Township Schools

Dance recital 201512
The 3rd and 4th grade dance recital was one of several events on tap April 24 in township schools.

A dance recital, two fundraisers and a social event were among the “happenings” April 24 in township schools.

MacAfee Road School’s administration and staff staged a “pasta night” to help raise money for a new playground.

The event was attended by more than 200 people, and generated about $6,000, according to school principal Bill Grippo.

One parent, Laura Stratton, donated $1,000 and convinced her employer, Verizon, to match it, while MacAfee alum Daniel Payne’s employer, Avid Exchange, donated $1,000 to underwrite the night.

The 3rd and 4th Grade Dance Troupes at Franklin Park School presented their annual recital to parents and friends.

Highlights of the night were student-choreographed dance routines.

Franklin Middle School was host to a variety showcase of talent to raise money for the annual Week of the People.

“Week of the People” is an annual event designed to bring together the various communities of Franklin Township. It’s main sponsor is the Somerset Community Action Program.

Among the entertainers at the event were Briannagh D., Royal Blend, and the School of Rock.

M.C.s were Amira Fair and Dorian Alderman from WRSU radio.

Among the events at Franklin High School was the Franklin Woman’s Club 22nd annual Tricky Tray.

The more than 225 attendees vied for 374 gift baskets and grand prizes of four one-day Disney Park Hopper passes and a 40-inch television.

Assisting in the presentation of gift baskets were local Girl Scouts and members of various high school clubs.

Busy Night At Franklin Township Schools 4-24-15





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