
Found Bullet Prompts ‘Shelter In Place’ Order At Sampson G. Smith School

Sampson G. Smith Intermediate School students were placed under a “shelter in place” order for about two hours May 30 after a bullet was found on a hallway floor.

At 12:25 p.m., a Franklin Township Police officer patrolling the school as part of the district’s new safety initiative was told by school officials that they had found a single, small-caliber bullet on a hallway floor, according to a press release on the incident.

About 18 officers from the FTPD detective, patrol and administrative divisions responded to the incident, searching the school while the “shelter in place” order was in effect, according to FTPD spokesman Lt. Phil Rizzo.

During a “shelter in place,” students and staff remain in their classrooms and classes continue, said district spokeswoman Mary Clark.

No additional bullets were found, and no weapons were found, according to the release.

The “shelter in place” was lifted at about 2:15 p.m., and students were dismissed from school, according to the FTPD release.

The students were dismissed a short time later than normal, Clark said in an email, which “also affected the bus runs for some of our elementary students. Our elementary families were notified that their children may be arriving 15 to 20 minutes later at their bus stops.”

The incident is being investigated by the FTPD.


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