Photo courtesy of Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School.
Photo courtesy of Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School.
Mayor Brian Levine was on hand recently to help the Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School, Cortelyous Lane, honor its first marking period award winners.
Awards went to the Student of the Marking Period and the winners of the Accelerated Reader Bookworm Contest – class winners received a gift card, the school winner received a NOOK reading device, said principal Oguz Yildiz in a release about the ceremony.
Levine also introduced the school’s 2013 New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (NJASK) top-scoring students and presented them with certificates and gift cards, Yildiz said.
“And he did not forget to give flowers to our teachers as well,” Yildiz said.
Every student received an award. Students with all Es and Ps for Kindergarten and first grade and all As and Bs for third through fifth grade were named to the school’s Honor Roll, he said.

Photo courtesy of Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School.
Students with all Es for Kindergarten and first grade and all As for third through fifth grades were named to the High Honor Roll.
Special awards were also given for most musical, most artistic, best sportsmanship, and computer wizard as well as awards for language classes.