
Eagle Scouts Receive Township Council Commendations

The Township Council at its Jan. 3 reorganization meeting commended five Eagle Scouts from Boy Scout Troop 154.

Five township Eagle Scouts were acknowledged by the Township Council at the Jan. 3 reorganization meeting.

The scouts, all members of Troop 154, received their Eagle classification over the past two years.

The Eagle Scouts recognized were:

  • Albert Kraus, whose project was replacing the Little League field sign, and doing general maintenance around the fields.
  • Joseph Richter, whose project was beautifying a senior citizen picnic grove.
  • Brandon Belyk, whose project was the  installation of a new Pergo floor over the old tile floor in the Nature Center at Oak Springs Girl Scout Camp.
  • Adam Timari, whose project was creating a 90-foot brick walkway and other maintenance projects at Somerset Presbyterian Church.
  • Brandon Chesner, whose project was building a bocce court and horseshoe pit at the Hillsborough Township Senior Center.

The commendations were presented by Township Councilman James Vassanella (D-Ward 5) who, along with other council members, heaped praise on the Scouts.

“They are now leaders, and they will go on to be leaders in the community,” said Mayor Phil Kramer. “This is quite a feather in your caps.”

Councilwoman Shanel Robinson (D-At Large) congratulated the Scouts “on a job well-done.”

“It does my heart good and I’m glad to see our young people being involved.”

“You have done us all proud,” said Councilwoman Roz Sherman (D-Ward 2). “Continue to do that.”

Troop 154 is sponsored by the Franklin Township PBA Local 154.


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