
Updated: DeMott Lane Repaving Work Set To Begin; Will Be Road Closure

DeMott Lane between Amwell and New Brunswick roads is expected to be resurfaced starting August 8.

Update: The project’s start has been delayed by a week. Concrete work is expected to begin on August 16, with milling and paving to begin the following week.

The resurfacing of DeMott Lane between Amwell and New Brunswick roads is scheduled to start the week of August 8, and will include a road closure.

The project is expected to take two weeks, said Carl Hauck, the Township’s Public Works Manager.

The first week of the work will entail concrete curb work, catch basin work, and handicapped access ramps, Hauck said.

During that week, “there will be shifting/alternating of traffic near the work areas,” he said.

The second week of the work will include milling, paving and striping, Hauck said.

The portion of the road being worked on will be closed during the project’s second week, Hauck said. He said detours will be posted.

Work will be done between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Hauck said.

The $605,000 project will be done by Riverview Paving of Hackettstown.

Half of the project’s cost, about $348,000, will be paid for through a grant from the state Department of Transportation. That grant, part of more than $161 million in municipal aid, was announced last October.

Hauck said that all dates are weather-permitting.

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