
CROP Walkers Raise Money For Food Bank And World Ministry

2015 CROP Walk06
CROP Walkers before they set off from Somerset Presbyterian Church on Oct. 17.

Dozens of members from five township churches walked to help fight hunger Oct. 17 in the 42nd annual CROP Walk.

Hosted by Somerset Presbyterian Church on John F Kennedy Boulevard, the walk was done by their congregants as well as members of St. Matthias Roman Catholic Church, First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens, Middlebush Reformed Church and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

The Franklin Township Food Bank will receive 25 percent of of the walk’s proceeds, with the remainder going to Church World Service to fight hunger around the world.

Food Bank executive director Frank Hasner was on hand to thank the walkers, of which he was one.

“It’s 1,000 families who will need turkeys next month,” he said. “It’s neighbors helping neighbors.”

“You folks are the ones who make it happen,” Hasner said. “Whatever you do is very much appreciated.”

The walk was organized by Somerset Presbyterian members Cathy Hauck and Linda Sullivan.

2015 CROP Walk



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