
Church Entrepreneur, Debt Management Ministries Plan Networking Party

The Entrepreneur and dfree ministries of First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens are holding a networking  party from 6:30-8 p.m. Sept. 10 at the church, 771 Somerset St.

The event, which is free and open to the public, will be held in the church’s C.H. Brown Jr. Memorial Fellowship Hall.

“dfree” is a “First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens solutions-based practice of empowering our church members and community to live debt free,” according to the program’s Web site.

The church’s Entrepreneur Ministry’s mission is to “encourage and nurture the entrepreneurial spirit by supporting a community of business owners committed to integrity in providing quality products and services to their customers, and to instill the values of hard work, ownership, accountability and stewardship based upon biblical principles,” according to the ministry’s Facebook page.

The evening will feature networking, refreshments and prizes. Gift bags will be given to the first 50 people in attendance.

Registration is required. To register, visit www.em2011.eventbrite.com.

For more information, call Cynthia Holliday at (732) 839-2419.

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