There were some atypical members of the public at the Nov. 26 Township Council meeting; a contingent from Boy Scout Troop 113.
The Scouts were on hand to fulfill a scouting Merit Badge requirement.
The handful of Scouts were there to get credit toward their “Citizenship in the Community” merit badge, said Tom Gale, the troop’s merit badge counselor.
The badge is one of a set of three “citizenship” merit badges available to Scouts: Community, Nation and World, he said.
The Scouts’ assignment at the meeting was to find an issue that interests them, choose a side and talk about why they feel so strongly about that position Gale said.
Kyle Raiman of Somerset, 14, said a planned discussion of tax appeals caught his eye.
“It’s just a common thing in our country, and I’d like to see how Franklin Township handles it,” he said.
Joseph Repsher of Somerset, 12, said he was interested in a discussion about the Franklin-Somerset First Aid Squad’s potential purchase of ambulances from the township.
Repsher said he was interested in the topic to find out the cost of buying an ambulance.
For 14-year-old Cairan Byrne, also of Somerset, the fact that his father is a volunteer with the East Franklin Volunteer Fire Dept. piqued his interest in the ambulance discussion as well, he said.
Assistant Scout Master Jay Repsher said the exercise was important for the Scouts because it provides “a good look at how government is run.”