
Anti-Idling Ordinance Approved By Township Council

Certain new developments would be required to post anti-idling signs under ordinance amendments approved June 11 by the Township Council.

The amendments were recommended by the township Environmental Commission in August 2023.

The amendments “will work towards preventing instances of idling, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the release of harmful pollutants, and educate the public about the negative impacts of idling,” according to the ordinance. “The FTEC strongly feels that the requirement of anti-idling signage
on specific newly developed properties, as well as existing and new properties owned by Franklin
Township, will lead to positive behavioral changes that will improve the overall environment and health
for our residents.”

Under the newly approved amendments, anti-idling signs would be required at all new “industrial, office and commercial sites (including but not necessarily limited to: convenience stores, grocery stores, shopping centers (including strip malls and other retail uses); private schools; private parks; private playgrounds; truck stops; stadiums and sports complexes; private athletic fields; rest stops; skilled nursing facilities; nursing homes; assisted care facilities; and houses of worship.”

The signs are also required at all Township-owned properties.

The signs have to be posted at “entrances to driveways; designated drop-off and pick-up locations; personnel entrances, client/customers entrances, and driver entrance doors of commercial and industrial facilities; truck bays (minimum of one sign at every fourth bay), according to the ordinance.

The amendments took effect immediately.

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