A series of five goals worth up to more than $29,000 for schools Superintendent John Ravally was approved at the Aug. 22 Board of Education meeting.
The merit bonuses are part of Ravally’s salary package; Ravally is in the third year of a five-year contract which carries a base salary of $191,000, up to $196,584 when stipends are included. The salary increases 2 percent in each of years four and five.
Among the five goals: establish a 3-year-old Pre-K program for general education students, full completion of which would be worth $6,546.25. The program would compliment the current 3-year-old Pre-K program for special needs students.
Ravally would receive the full merit bonus if the program is established and 30 students are enrolled for the 2020-21 school year. He would receive lesser amounts for 20 students enrolled and 10 students enrolled.
Ravally could receive up to $4,914.60 for working with “key community stakeholders” to design architectural plans for the four remaining community spaces at the district administration’s future home on Route 27, in the former Consolata Missionaries property. He would receive less if two of the spaces are designed.
The Superintendent could receive another $4,914.60 for developing an Early Childhood Education handbook for the district’s use in the 2020-21 school year.
Grade 8 students meeting target comprehension goals in reading and math are the subjects of two more of Ravally’s goals, each of which could be worth as much as $6,546.25 to him.
In July, the school board approved a nearly $21,000 merit bonus package for Ravally for goals met during the 2018-19 school year.