Students at the Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School recently heard from a Kung-Fu expert on bullying, and donated books and sports equipment to an NFL charity drive.

Sifu Karl Romain, a member of the United International Kung Fu Hall of Fame, made his second visit to the Cortelyous Road school on Jan. 9, bringing a message of self-confidence and bullying prevention, according to a release about the event.
Romain also handed out signed copies of one of his books to students during a question-and-answer session.
Later, Romain had lunch with the school’s teachers.

Also on Jan. 9, four students traveled up to Essex County College, Newark, to drop off donated books and sports equipment as part of the National Football League’s “Super Kids-Super Sharing” program.
The program is run annually in Super Bowl host cities and is designed to give students in need books and sporting goods.
About 150 state public and private schools were invited to participate, according to a releae about teh event.
The students participated in games and also met Stevie Brown from the New York Giants and Kyle Wilson from the New York Jets.