
School Board Names Rutledge New SGS Principal

Evelyn Rutledge

Evelyn Rutledge, foreground, was named the new principal at Sampson G. Smith Intermediate School Nov. 19.

Hillcrest Elementary School is losing its principal, but Sampson G. Smith Intermediate School is getting one.

And they are the same person.

Evelyn Rutledge, currently the Hillcrest principal, was named the new SGS principal Nov. 19 by the Board of Education.

Rutledge will assume her new position on Jan 1, 2016. She will be paid a pro-rated yearly salary of $140,000 through the end of June, 2016.

Rutledge replaces interim principal Gary Mettia, who was named to the position when former principal Eileen Brett resigned.

School board president Ed Potosnak said Rutledge was a good fit for SGS.

“She has a demonstrated track record of improving student performance and motivating teachers,” he said. “She understands the opportunity that ‘One Less Move’ represents, and is ready to take on the challenge.”

One Less Move is the implementation of the district’s $84 million referendum approved last December by township voters.

The board also named an interim principal for Franklin Middle School at the Nov. 19 meeting.

Reginald O. Davenport was named interim to replace Michael D’Anna, the current interim principal. Davenport, who was until last June principal at Maxson Middle School in Plainfield, starts his new position on Dec. 16.

The middle school has not had a permanent principal since last May, when former principal RaShawn Adams left to take an administrator’s position in Asbury Park.

Davenport wil be paid a pro-rated salary of $135,000 through the end of June, 2016.

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