
School Board Honors Project Graduation Volunteers

Original Project Graduation volunteers were joined by more recent program volunteers at the September 22 Board of Education meeting.

Seven long-time Project Graduation volunteers were honored by the Board of Education at its September 22 meeting.

Project Graduation is the program run for graduated seniors on the night of graduation in and around the high school. New;y minted seniors arrive at about 9 p.m. and stay until the early morning hours playing games participating in various activities, and eating.

The volunteers honored were:

  • Martha Camarda
  • Diane Pagano
  • Kim Krikorian
  • Meilsa Swayne
  • Theresa Farkas
  • Lydia Copperwaite
  • Margaret Stansbury-Brown

Nick DeMeglio, who has led the project for a number of years, said he was “so blessed to learn this Project Graduation business from such great people who founded it, and I’m happy to bring it forward.”

“Every year we advertise project graduation, but it’s still the best kept secret at Franklin High School,” he said.

Mary Clark, the district’s senior manager of policies, regulations and communications, said the program involves “Parents, relatives, teachers, staff and community members.”

“We salute the early volunteers of Project Graduation,” she said. “Your efforts in the past have built a legacy that continues to today.”

Schools Superintendent John Ravally said the volunteers “play a very crucial role in the whole exiting of our Grade 12 students.”

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