
Paving, Traffic Signal Upgrades On Tap For Section Of Amwell Road

The intersection of Cedar Grove Lane and Amwell Road is one of two that will receive upgrades during the project.

A repaving project on a section of Amwell Road is expected to begin later this month and extend into October.

Amwell between DeMott and Cedar Grove lanes will be repaved, and new ADA-compliant traffic and pedestrian signalization will be installed at the Amwell intersections of DeMott and Cedar Grove, said Somerset County engineer Matt Loper.

This is a county project because Amwell Road is a county road.

“As part of our annual ADA/Resurfacing program we have also been updating traffic signals within the paving limits to meet current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards,” Loper said in an email. “These upgrades started last year with the replacement of existing 8-inch traffic signal heads with 12-inch traffic signal heads and the installation of countdown pedestrian signal heads where they were not already present.”

“Additionally, some of these traffic signals were updated with new battery backup systems and traffic signal controllers, as needed, as part of the County’s on-going maintenance of these traffic signals,” he wrote.

The electrical work and concrete ramp work is expected to start at the end of September, Loper said. Paving the road is expected to occur in October, he said.

The project’s approximate cost is $450,000, Loper said.

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