
In Your Opinion: Pres. Trump’s Actions Constitute Treason

By Mark Grieco, Somerset.

Where the Soviet Union failed for decades with the threat of tanks and missiles, Trump accomplished in one week from the podium: the subordination of America to Russia. As someone that served in the US Infantry in Germany during the Cold War, I welcomed the collapse of the Soviet Union as the final triumph of America and NATO after generations of sacrifice. Trump’s behavior in Helsinki diminished that sacrifice.

Is treason at the heart of our recent defeat?

America was the backbone of democracies around the globe. Trump’s spineless defense of the Russian’s assault weakens the strength of democracies. NATO, a bulwark against Russian aggression, has been virtually shattered by Trump. His attacks on the free press and the intelligence community edges us towards dictatorship. Is this the American Greatness Trump promised?

What made America great was an unflinching dedication to opposing foreign dictators, not appeasing them. What made America great was standing steadfast beside her democratic allies, not aiding and comforting our common enemy. What made America great was defending the Rule of Law, not succumbing to the cult of an aspiring autocrat in the White House. America is enduring a catastrophe at the hands of a madman manipulated by our greatest enemy.

Yes, this is treason.


Your Thoughts


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