
Historic Preservation Commission Approves Applications

July 7 meeting

Historic Preservation Advisory Commission at work July 7.

Three applications for alterations to existing buildings were approved June 7 by the Historic Preservation Advisory Commission.

The commission approved certificates of appropriateness for Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corp., which asked to change the HVAC units on a dialysis clinic at 1135 Easton Ave.; the owner of a Franklin Street home who wants to build a deck on the rear of her home and the owner of a Canal Road home who wants to install skylights in part of her roof.

Nicholas Stewart, a general contractor for the Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corp., told the commissioners that his client wants to remove two old HVAC units and replace them with three new ones.

He did not have the new units’ dimensions, so commissioners approved his request on the condition that the new units are the same size or smaller than the existing ones.

The commission also approved the company’s request to make a side entrance ADA compliant by adding a ramp.

Turhan Halil, a contractor representing Jayna Sisbarro, the owner of 40 Franklin Street, told the commission Sisbarro wants to build a 15-foot by 25-foot deck at the rear of her 19th-Century home.

The deck will be made of pressure-treated wood, he said.

The board also approved an application submitted by Laura Strong of 1101 Canal Road to install three skylights in her home’s rear roof.

The skylights would not be seen by people on Canal Road, which was a factor in the board’s approval.

Commissioners Barbara ten Broeke and Susan Goldey cast “no” votes for the application.

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