
Franklin Township Police Log For May 19 to June 1, 2024

(Note: Police released this information on July 24.)


Franklin Township Police received a complaint of a male shooting a crossbow in a parking lot in the area of Jacques Lane. Officers responded to the area, contacted the involved party and advised him of the dangers of shooting a crossbow in that area. The male understood the concerns raised and left the scene voluntarily.

A Somerset resident was the victim of defiant trespassing in the area of Clyde Road. The victim has multiple “Private Property” signs to prevent trespassing, which has been unsuccessful. The victim believes the unknown person(s) are using his property to cut through to get to work at one of the local businesses located on Clyde Road.


A business located on Easton Avenue was the victim of illegal dumping. An employee discovered multiple items such as mattresses, furniture, and carpets in the dumpster in rear of the property. Surveillance footage observed 3 unknown male suspects in a U-Haul dumping the items and fleeing in an unknown direction.  Investigation is ongoing.

A 61-year-old Perth Amboy man was arrested for having an outstanding warrant out of Perth Amboy while investigating a hit and run motor vehicle crash. He was processed and released on recognizance by Perth Amboy municipal court.

A concerned citizen reported suspicious activity in the area of Phillips Road. Patrol officers responded to the area and spoke with residents, who advised they heard fireworks in the area. Officers did not find any evidence indicating firework activity.


A Somerset resident was the victim of identity theft. The victim received a call from someone pretending to be an employee from Verizon. The victim provided his pertinent information while on the phone The victim was sent a link via text message, which he clicked, and realized he gave the unknown caller access to his Verizon account. The victim immediately stopped the call and notified the police.

Franklin Township Police received multiple calls from residents with concerns of solicitors without permits in the area of Berger Street. Officers responded to the area and made contact with the solicitors, who advised that their company Power Home Remodeling had a permit to solicit in Franklin Township. Upon further investigation, the company did not obtain a permit to solicit nor a copy of the no-knock list. The solicitors left without further incident. 


A Somerset resident was the victim of criminal mischief during the evening hours in the area of Phillips Ct. The victim heard a glass break in the rear of her residence, subsequently, observing her rear glass window shatter. There was no approximate value given for the window. The suspects(s) are unknown.

A Hillsborough resident was the victim of a burglary to auto and theft during the afternoon hours in the area of Elizabeth Avenue. The unknown suspect(s) forced entry through the victim’s passenger side window and stole several items including a driver’s license, TD Bank debit card, a handmade purse, and Apple headphones. The approximate total loss was $105.00.

A business located on Easton Avenue was the victim of a burglary during the evening hours. An employee observed the back patio door propped open with a table decoration. Upon further investigation, the employee discovered a suite within the business to have trash strewn all around the room and an empty wine bottle. Surveillance footage captured the incident, and the investigation is ongoing.


A Somerset resident was the victim of a burglary to auto and theft between 05/22/24 and 05/23/24 in the area of Topaz Drive. The unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s unsecured vehicle and stole 2 clear plastic bins containing personal documents. There was no damage done to the vehicle. The victim contacted the credit bureaus to monitor her accounts. 

A Somerset resident was the victim of criminal mischief during the overnight hours. Surveillance footage captured three unknown juveniles throwing rocks and removing a panel from his vinyl fence. The approximate value to replace the panel is $150.00. Investigation is ongoing. 

A business located on Rt. 27 was the victim of shoplifting during the evening hours. A black female suspect fled the establishment $428.00. worth of grocery items.  The suspect was a heavy-set black female, wearing a black t-shirt, black leggings, black sandals, and a black baseball cap. The suspect then fled in a Hyundai Sonata. Surveillance footage captured the entire incident. Investigation is ongoing. 

A Somerset resident was the victim of a fraud. The victim received a message on her laptop advising her that she was hacked. The victim then contacted an unknown person she believed was a representative with Microsoft. After voluntarily giving her pertinent information to the unknown person, she observed that the unknown person had access to her entire laptop. The victim contacted the Social Security administration and advised them of the incident. 


A 22-year-old New Brunswick man was arrested for DWI during a motor vehicle crash in the area of Davidson Avenue. He was processed and released.

A business located on Hamilton Street was the victim of fraud. An unidentified female exchanged $614.00 for a money order on April 16th. Later that day, the woman returned, stating that she had misplaced the money order. The staff then issued a new money order and voided the original. On May 24th, it was determined that the original money order had been cashed. Investigation is ongoing.

A Somerset resident was the victim of a theft between 05/17/24 and 05/24/24 in the area of St. Giles Ct. The unknown suspect(s) stole the victim’s front license plate. The plate was entered stolen into a national database.

A Somerset resident was the victim of criminal mischief and attempted burglary during the late hours in the area of Timberhill Drive. Unknown suspect(s), armed with a tool, attempted to gain entry into the victim’s residence. Observed damage was to the rear living room window, which was shattered, screen pulled off, and pry marks found on the window sill. Also, the rear basement window screen had been removed. Investigation is ongoing. 

A Somerset resident was the victim of a motor vehicle theft during the evening hours in the area of St. Anns Ct. The vehicle was locked, and the victim had his keys. The vehicle was recovered after being involved in a motor vehicle crash, and four Hispanic male suspects fled the scene. 


A 38-year-old Hamilton man was arrested for DWI during a motor stop in the area of Kingsberry Drive. Flandinette was processed and released.

A Somerset resident was the victim of criminal mischief during the afternoon hours in the area of Cedar Gove Lane. The victim observed 3 unknown juveniles throwing rocks in the parking lot, subsequently, impacting her front windshield. The juveniles fled in an unknown direction. The approximate value of the damaged windshield is $500.00


A business located on Davidson Avenue notified the Franklin Township Police about an unwanted person hanging in the lobby area. Officers responded and made contact with the involved party and advised him that he was no longer wanted on the property. The involved party left the establishment without issue.


A business located on Rt. 27 was the victim of a burglary and theft during the evening hours. A black male wearing a gray Under Armour cap, a black t-shirt, and black pants entered the property and opened 3 unsecured vehicles. The suspect rummaged through all 3 vehicles but did not take anything of value from any of the vehicles. The suspect then fled in an unknown direction on Rt. 27. Surveillance footage captured the entire incident, and the investigation is ongoing. 

A Franklin Township Police Officer conducted a motor vehicle stop in the area Juliet Avenue and Somerset Street. Upon further investigating, it was discovered the driver had fictious license plates on the vehicle and the vehicle was uninsured. The driver was issued 2 summonses, and the vehicle was impounded.


An unoccupied business space located on Hempstead Drive was the victim of criminal mischief during the overnight hours. The business space had 2 windows completely broken with large rocks that were located on scene by officers. The approximate value for the damaged windows was $450.00. The suspects(s) are unknown.

A Somerset resident was the victim of a theft during the evening hours in the area of Phillips Court. The unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s bedroom and stole $100.00 out of the victim’s purse. The victim had multiple people in her residence when the theft occurred.

A 32-year-old South Bound Brook man was arrested for a warrant out of our jurisdiction. He was processed and transported to Somerset County Jail.

A business located on Franklin Blvd was the victim of burglary, theft, and criminal mischief between 05/25/24 and 05/28/2024. A male suspect is observed on surveillance footage climbing over the business’s fence and stealing copper wire and plumbing fittings. The suspect then climbs back over the fence, subsequently, causing damage to the fence. The estimated total loss from stolen items and the fence is $530.00. Investigation is ongoing.

A Somerset resident was the victim of identity theft. The victim received a call from someone pretending to be an employee from Apple Support. The victim provided his pertinent information while on the phone and received confirmation emails of 2 unauthorized bank transfers from his Chase and PNC bank accounts for a total of $4,500.00.

A Franklin Township Police Officer observed 2 storm drain covers had been stolen from the area of Weston Road. The unknown suspect(s) cut the storm drain off. The estimated value of both storm drain covers is $600.00.


A Somerset resident was the victim of criminal mischief during the overnight hours in the area of Hempstead Drive. The unknown suspect(s) shattered the victim’s rear window of her residence with a rock, which was located on scene. Suspect(s) is unknown.

A Somerset resident was the victim of identity theft. The victim was filing their yearly tax return when they received a notification from the IRS that their taxes were already filed for the year. The victim contacted the IRS and advised them of the incident. 

A Somerset resident was the victim of identity theft. The victim received a letter about an unpaid balance for $539.00 from a Target credit card. The victim believes someone stole his identity and opened a fraudulent account under his name. The suspect(s) is unknown.


A Somerset resident was a victim of theft by deception. The victim met the suspect on a dating website, to which, the suspect presented as a bitcoin investor. The suspect was able to convince the victim to send multiple deposits totaling to $1,150.00 to a fake bitcoin website. The suspect is unknown. The investigation is ongoing. 

A Somerset resident was the victim of illegal dumping in the area of Kathryn Street. The victim observed a sofa bed, a mattress, and multiple pillows along the curb of their property. The suspect(s) is unknown.

A Somerset resident was the victim of criminal mischief. The victim had his vehicle’s windshield damaged from what appeared to be a strike from a rock. The damage is valued at $400. The suspect(s) is unknown.

A Somerset resident was the victim of theft. The victim was contacted by their banking institution and was advised of unauthorized charges totaling to $6,441.01. The suspect(s) is unknown. 

A New Brunswick resident was the victim of criminal mischief during the early morning hours in the area of Juniper Court. The unknown suspect(s) damaged the victim’s vehicle driver side and passenger side mirrors. Both mirror covers were removed, and the mounting bracket was cracked on the passenger side. The repair was estimated at $277.00. The suspect(s) is unknown.


A business located on Hamilton Street was the victim of shoplifting during the afternoon hours. An unknown male suspect entered the business and asked to see a Cuban style necklace valued at $17,080.00. Once the employee handed the necklace over, the suspect fled the business towards Main Street. The suspect was described as a Hispanic male with a strong accent wearing white button-down shirt, blue jeans, a white fedora style hat, and glasses. Surveillance footage captured the entire incident, and the investigation is ongoing. 

A Somerset resident was the victim of illegal dumping in the area of Rodney Avenue. The victim observed multiple empty bottles on her front lawn. The suspect(s) is unknown.

A Somerset resident was the victim of a burglary, criminal mischief, and theft between 05/17/2-05/31/2024 in the area New Brunswick Road. The unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s residence by entering the rear window, which was left unsecured. The suspect(s) stole passports, $90,000.00 worth of jewelry, and approximately, $1,000.00 worth of collectable coins from the victim’s bedroom. The investigation is ongoing.


A  39-year-old Somerset man was arrested for obstruction during a motor vehicle stop.at JFK Blvd. He was processed and released on a summons.

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