
Trails Advisory Committee Photo Contest Winners Announced

Corrine Prochazka was the overall winner of the Trails Advisory Committee’s annual photo contest.

Six township residents came up winners in the annual photo contest sponsored by the township Trails Advisory Committee.

Five of the winners received their prizes at the Sept. 12 committee meeting.

The winners will have their photos featured in the committee’s upcoming calendar.

The winners are:

Overall winner: Corrine Prochazka

Adult Photo Contest

  • Navjot Singh
  • Caasi Santiago
  • Bapinder Long
  • Kristen Polo

Kids Photo Contest

  • Christopher Sherman (age 12) – first, second and third place

Prochazka’s winning picture was of the Delaware & Raritan Canal.

“It was a nice November day, the leaves are different colors and I just shoot according to what looks good,” she told the committee and other winners. “If it catches my eye, it’s a photograph. I’m just fortunate to have a really good eye like you guys.”

Kristen Polo

Polo said she took her winning picture at the Negri Nepote grasslands preserve with her cell phone.

“I like to go there, they have lots of butterflies there always,” she said.

One of Long’s two winning pictures was of Middlebush Park.

“I took this photograph with my cell phone,” she said. “I’m trying to get better with close-ups. I just happened to see these beautiful flowers there, and I took some pictures.”

Bapinder Long

Santiago’s picture was taken at 6 Mile Run.

“I was at the start of this trail and I saw this nice white flower,” he said. “The contrast of the trail itself, it’s a beautiful place.”

Sherman, who will be in 7th Grade at the Sampson G. Smith campus of Franklin Middle School this year, said he took shots in different seasons.

One of Sherman’s winning photos was taken on a trail intersection with Butler Road.

Caasi Santiago

“Honestly we had been walking down the trails and were looking for something good, then we hear water all of a sudden, so I immediately knew that was going to be the picture because water always makes a good picture,” he said. “I just took the picture when there was good sunlight. It just worked out.”

Another of his winning photos was taken at Inman Park.

It had just snowed like two days before,” he said. “My mom suggested we do different seasonal pictures, and I thought this would be a nice picture to do.”

“We saw all these snow-covered fields, and then went a little deeper into where the trail starts,” Sherman said. “We found a bridge to walk across, and then we saw some water, so this picture has a little bit of everything, with trees and snow.”

Christopher Sherman

The third picture was taken in Middlebush Park.

“I had to get an odd angle,” he said. “I was standing on this little muddy patch that the water had been flowing over. I thought it would make a nice picture.”







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