
Township Council To Hold Municipal Planning Town Hall

Deputy Mayor Crystal Pruitt suggested that the Town Hall be held in December.

An informational town hall on planning and zoning concepts is being planned by the Township Council, and will probably be held in the beginning of December.

The idea for the town hall was broached by Councilman James Vassanella and comes in the wake of questions and concerns raised over the past several months by Canal Walk residents about issues involving the siting and approval of warehouses in the township.

The session should be “something that allows people to better understand our Master Plan, something that will allow people to better understand the zoning process and the planning process, because I think that information is power in that respect,” Deputy Mayor Crystal Pruitt said.

“I think this is something we need to put together,” Councilwoman Kimberly Francois said.

Pruitt suggested that it be held during the first two weeks of December.

Township Manager Robert Vornlocker agreed, saying that November posed too many potential conflicts with several holidays.

“What I would say to all nine of the people I work for here is you should look at your calendars and see what other commitments you have with other committees that you serve on, other than Council, and find those dates that you are available for the first two weeks of December, and email those days and I will work with staff … and if we can find one of those dates when everyone is available and obviously Mr. Healey, our planner, is our star attraction, so I have to make sure that he’s available so there are no conflicts with the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment,” Vornlocker said.

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