
Township Council Reorganizes; Potosnak Named Deputy Mayor

TAKING THE OATH – Mayor Phil Kramer takes the Oath of Office while his wife, Laurie, looks on.

Councilmember Ed Potosnak was voted in as Deputy Mayor at the January 2 Township Council reorganization meeting.

Also at the meeting, re-elected At-Large Councilmembers Kimberly Francois and Ram Anbarasan and newcomer Alex Kharazi and Mayor Phil Kramer were sworn in.

The Council also made appointments to a variety of township positions, as well as some boards and committees.

Kramer, who is starting his third term as Mayor, said the Council faces “many challenges ahead, such as the enormous jump in health care costs that’s going to affect out budget, and the issues of development, both commercial and residential.”

“We have some exciting projects coming up, though,” he added. “Partnering with the BOE on health care and on pre-school, partnering with (Raritan Valley Community College) on job training and partnering with the YMCA on all they can offer.”

Francois, who is marking her 20th year in township government, said, “it is an honor and a privilege to serve you people of Franklin Twp for four more years.”

“I want to thank you for believing in me … for allowing me to serve you for another four years,” she said. “I’m looking forward to continuing the work that I started with the youth center … my commitments to the people of Franklin Township are to the businesses, the youth and the families of the township.”

Councilman Ran Anbarasan said that he was “honored to be reelected as your councilman at large. I promise to work hard every day to make sure that I live up to your expectations.”

Some of Anbarasan’s goals, he said, are “providing learning opportunities for our youth, making our community safer, protecting our environment. I’m committed to finding solutions for everyone.”

“But I need your help and your input,” he said.

Councilman Alex Kharazi is the newest member of the Council. He takes over the seat held by former Councilwoman Crystal Pruitt who decided to not seek re-election last November.

Kharazi said that even though he has been involved in community service for years, on the Council, “I humbly see myself as a new student.”

“I am blessed to be surrounded by a great team of wise men and woman with years of experience in serving the community,” he said. “I look forward to collaborating and working with them.”

“My dream is to see more equity among the residents of the town,” he said. “We must create more employment opportunities, address food and rent insecurities, support small businesses, improve access to better education and health services, make our township safer and promote a stronger partnership between local and county government.”

“I believe one of Franklin’s greatest attributes is its diversity,” he said. “People of all backgrounds make invaluable contributions to our community.”

“When you live in a diverse town like ours, with more than 70 houses of worship … soon you come to the realization that we have so much in common and are all equal in humanity,” Kharazi said.

Among the appointments and re-appointments made by the Council were:

  • Mohamed Jalloh as Township Prosecutor
  • Norman Albert as Associate Township Prosecutor
  • Charig D. Mehta as Alternate Township Prosecutor
  • Dennis Auciello as Public Defender
  • Everett M. Johnson as Bond Counsel
  • Louis Rainonme as Township Attorney
  • Gregory Pasquale as Tax Appeal Attorney
  • Robert Swisher as Township Auditor
  • Robert Russo as Township Engineer
  • Andrew Hodulik as Financial Consultant

The Franklin Reporter & Advocate live-streamed the reorganization ceremony, as well as interviews with U.S. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman and Council members who were sworn in:

Here are some scenes from the evening:

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