Resolutions to buy nine RADAR units for township police cars and a dump truck with a plow were approved at the Dec. 11 Township Council meeting.
The council also voted to award bids for HVAC maintenance and repairs for township buildings, extend its current snow plowing contract and increases in two attorneys’ retainers at the meeting.
The nine RADAR units will be purchased from Stalker RADAR of Plano, Texas, at a total cost of $26,558.50. Stalker’s was the lowest of three bids submitted, according to township documents.
The losing quotes were submitted by R&R RADAR of Atco, for $33,316 and TMDE Calibration Labs of Richmond, Me., for $32,831.
The contract includes the units and their mounts.
Beyer Brothers of Fairview was tapped to deliver the Mason dump truck with snow plow, at a cost of $61,102.
Beyer was the only company that submitted a bid, according to township documents.
Carrier Corp. of Fairfield was awarded a two-year contract for maintenance of all of the township’s buildings’ HVAC systems, at a total cost of $62,000 per year.
The contract is renewable at existing terms.
An existing contract with K. Kraft & Sons of Somerset for 16 snow plow routes was renewed for one year, at the current rate of $135 per hour per plow.
The original contract, entered into in August 2013, called for two, one-year extensions, according to a memo from township purchasing agent Joyce Miller.
The council also approved adding $15,000 each to retainers of the litigation and tax appeal and township attorneys.
The raises increase the retainers to $175,000 for litigation/tax appeal attorney Richard Rafanello, and $215,000 for township attorney Louis Rainone.