
Somerset Run Holds Annual Health Fair

Somerset Run health fair01A variety of health screenings and other services available to senior citizens was on display June 25 at the annual health fair hosted by the Somerset Run senior living community.

Presented by the St. Peter’s University Hospital Community Mobile Health Service, the fair offered Somerset Run residents screenings for things such as blood pressure, blood sugar, sun-related skin damage and free massages.

This is the 9th year St. Peter’s has provided the fair said Judy Clickner, Somerset Run’s lifestyle director.

“They have things for osteoporosis, they can get their blood pressure checked, all different factors,” she said. “There’s a number of things where they can get some quick answers.”

“Somebody a few years ago actually ended up having a sugar problem and never knew it” until they were tested, she said.

She said the typical fair has between 150 and 200 people attending.

“They feel that’s a good turnout for them,” she said.

Somerset Run 2014 Health Fair



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