
Six Township Students Win Grand Prizes In Mother’s Day Poetry Contest

Six township students were among nine grand prize winners in the “My Mom, My Hero” Mother’s Day poetry contest sponsored by Venus Jewelers, Easton Avenue.

Students in grades K-12 from more than 12 area schools submitted poems to the contest, according to a press release. Everyone who entered was given a genuine gemstone to give to their mother on Mother’s Day, and nine students were awarded the grand prize of a sparkling heart necklace for their mothers.

Gabrielle Kissi, a 1st Grader at Franklin Park School, wrote that her mother is “my bear.”

“My mother loves me so much,” she wrote.

Emilia Josifoska, a 4th Grader at Conerly Road School, wrote that her mother is “the mirror of everything good.”

“As the night falls, I think how blessed I am to have my mom beside me,” she wrote.

Dylan Polycarpe, a 6th Grader at Sampson G. Smith School, wrote that his mother “guides me through our toughest times.”

“Teaching me the faith, guiding at just the right pace,” he wrote.

The Franklin grand prize winners, their grade, school and teacher are as follows:

  • Gabriella Kissi, Grade 1, Franklin Park School , Mrs. Zachert
  • Jhosy Espina, Grade 3, Elizabeth Avenue School, Ms. Lyman
  • Emilia Josifoska, Grade 4, Conerly Road School, Mrs. Robinson
  • Jaden Chin, Grade 6, Sampson G. Smith, Mr McCaulsky
  • Dylan Polycarpe , Grade 6, St. Matthias, Mrs. Dritshel
  • Derrick Michell, Grade 8, Franklin Middle School, Ms. Wiley

Three students from Randolphville Road School in Piscataway also won grand prizes. They are:

  • Leyna McBride, Kindergarten, Mr. Humphrey
  • Miho Yuhara, Grade2, Ms. Kamda
  • Eric Arenas, Grade 3, Mr. Adenow
Jhosy Espina
Jhosy Espina
Emilia Josifoska
Emilia Josifoska
Dylan Polycarpe
Dylan Polycarpe
Leyna McBride
Leyna McBride
Gabriella Kissi
Gabriella Kissi

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