
Renamed Canal Road Bike Event To Be Held Twice In 2014

It was known last year as “Bike Without Fear” day, but this year the popular Canal Road event will be called “Canal Road Walk and Roll.”

And, it will be held twice: the first time on May 18, with a rain date of June 8, and teh second time on Sept. 7, with a rain date of Sept. 14.

Township Councilman Phil Kramer, (D-Ward 3), who spearheaded last year’s event, polled the township’s Trails Advisory Committee on teh name at its Jan. 8 meeting.

Kramer said that a resident at a planning meeting for the event objected to the old name.

He said two alternate names were suggested, “Canal Road Bike Day” and “Canal Road Bike and Hike.”

Kramer said he was partial to the latter name.

“I like ‘Bike and Hike’ because it rhymes,” he said.

But neither of the names struck any chords with committee members.

Committee member Mark Fortin suggested “Bike Without Cars,” but no one reacted to that.

“How about Canal Road Walk and Roll?” asked committee secretary Patti Sofran.

Kramer repeated his preference for “Bike and Hike.”

“I don’t think of hiking with the roads,” Fortin said. “I think ‘Walk and Roll’ is more like the kind of things you do on a road.”

Other members said that the name is ambiguous enough that it could encourage other groups to participate, such as roller skaters.

“We can list the other activities underneath the name” on advertisements, said committee chairwoman Nancy Cole.

“That sounds more positive than ‘Bike Without Fear,” Fortin said.

I like that it sounds catchy,” Cole said. “You need something catchy.”

Kramer said the route will be the same as last year’s, basically a four-mile stretch from East Elm Street to Butler Road. he said some had asked that the route be extended, but “once you go beyond Butler, more houses get involved.”

A mailing will be sent to Canal Road residents, informing them of the dates, Kramer said.

Kramer sad he will bring the idea to the Township Council at its next meeting “and get the ball rolling.”

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