
In Your Opinion: Vote For Daryl Kipnis

By Cheryl Orson.

I am a District 17 resident and an animal lover.

I am urging all residents of Franklin, Milltown, New Brunswick, North Brunswick and Piscataway, regardless of party affiliation, to please consider voting for Daryl Kipnis to elect him as our district’s next State Senator.

Not only is he on the right side of the issues facing humans and the environment in the 17th District, such as his opposition to the proposed gas-compressor station in Franklin, but anyone following his Facebook page can see that he and his wife, Rochelle, have taken the time to personally rescue numerous pets and their owners in unfortunate and unexpected horrendous situations while just out campaigning; situations others might have just either called 911, or not bothered to get involved with at all.

These animal rescues included both an incident where he and his wife came to the aid of a Somerset resident who had been in a horrific car accident with her Siberian Husky, who happened to be in the car with her at the time, and in which her car was rear-ended and smashed into a telephone pole; and the reunion of a kidnapped, and later abandoned cat, who was ruthlessly stuffed into and then inhumanely pulled out of a plastic garbage bag, with its Piscataway owner. In both of these incidents, Kipnis and his wife didn’t hesitate to get involved and save animal and human lives.

Further, Kipnis also has plans to protect animals and recognize our bonds with them once elected, something no other politician has included in their platforms this election cycle. In doing so he has received a well-deserved endorsement by the League of Humane Voters of New Jersey, also something that no other politician has received this cycle.

Opportunities to elect a genuinely warm, caring, and exemplary members of the community, as well as society in general, like Kipnis, to public office, where they will make the most of being in a position to truly help people, the environment, and animals, as opposed to re-electing typical career politicians, are rare, sometimes only coming along once in a lifetime. This is such a case.

I once again ask everyone in the 17th District to strongly consider voting for Kipnis on Tuesday, Nov. 7. You, your pets, animals in general, and the environment, will be glad you did.


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