Nissan North America received Planning Board approval Aug. 2 to build a 200,000-square-foot addition to its warehouse at Pierce Street and Cottontail Lane.
The addition will be used to house large parts for collision repairs, servicing Nissan dealerships throughout the Northeast, Nissan’s Kenneth Fielder told the board.
The building is currently used for parts distribution and sales and marketing for the company’s Infiniti brand, he said.
Fielder said the addition would require the addition of eight employees to the current 134-person workforce, but would not result in any change to the two work shifts currently in place.
The addition will hold a 15-bay loading area.
In approving the site plan, the board also approved three variances need for the project: waiving the requirements for the number of parking spaces, the amount of impervious surface on the site and the sideyard setback.
A retention basin will also have to be relocated, requiring the removal of a number of trees in teh new area, said Robert Espasa, the project’s engineer. To make up for that, he said, 109 trees will be planted along Pierce and Cottontail “to dress up the site and provide screening of the improvements.”