
National Day Of Prayer Observed At Township Veterans Memorial

Representatives from at least seven of the township’s houses of worship gathered May 1 at the township Veterans Memorial on DeMott Lane to observe the National Day of Prayer.

During the observance, prayers and responsive readings from a wide variety of faith traditions were presented, according to  release about the event.

“Prayers of thanksgiving and intercession were lifted up for the goodness and care of creation; for the township’s houses of worship; for national, state and municipal government and the civic employees who work at each of these levels; for those who serve in education, social services, health care and all other occupations which contribute to the well-being of our community,” the release said.

At the beginning of the event, participants were reminded that ‘the easy thing to do is to stay home.  The hard thing is to step out of our comfort zones and pray with others of different faith traditions,’ according to the release. “Yet, stepping out is what helps to break down walls, and to build up community.  This year’s observance helped all who attended to do just that.”

The National Day of Prayer observance is one of the events sponsored by the Franklin Township Interfaith Council. Other events include interfaith dialog events, especially a keynote dialog event each August held in conjunction with the annual Week of the People festival.

The Franklin Township Interfaith Council meets quarterly at various houses of worship. The meetings are open to all.

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Pictured left to right are: Rizwan Rizvi, Imam, Masjid e Ali, (Islam) Somerset; Rolando Catiis, parishioner, St.Matthias Roman Catholic Church; Rabbi Eli Garfinkel, Temple Beth-El, Somerset; Rev. Sharon Culley, Pastor, Somerset Presbyterian Church; Marilyn Altman. Commissioner, Human Relations Commission.
Photo: Norie Catiis


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Pictured left to right are Ann Marie McCarthy, township clerk (St.Joseph’s Catholic Church, Raritan); Joyce Miller, St.Matthias Roman Catholic Church; Dr.Ron Poustchi, Baha’i Faith; Rev.George Montanari, Pastor, Middlebush Reformed Church, Somerset. Leading the prayers is Rev. Osy Nuesch, Six Mile Run Church.
Photo: Norie Catiis


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Representatives from several faith traditions in the township gathered May 1 for a National Day of Prayer observance.
Photo: Rizwan Rizvi

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