
MVC Mobile Unit Returns To Franklin Township

A MAN AND HIS DOG – State Assemblyman Joe Danielsen and his dog, Brie, outside the MVC mobile unit on May 11.

The state Motor Vehicle Commission’s mobile unit paid another visit to the township on May 11, this time to cater to patrons of the Senior/Community Center.

Staking out some space behind the Villagers Theatre in the Municipal Complex, the mobile unit was on hand to assist patrons with a variety of tasks, said unit supervisor Velina Reksten Riggi.

The mobile unit was here in July 2022, parking at the Franklin Township Police Department’s Community Relations Bureau on Hamilton Street.

For this latest visit, the MVC coordinated with the office of state Assemblyman Joe Danielsen (D-17) to bring the unit in, Danielsen and Riggi said.

“We’re a mobile unit doing registrations, licenses, handicap placards, disabled vets, Purple Heart placards, renew registrations, Real IDs,” Riggi said. “And if they need permits, we do permits.”

Riggi said the unit travels throughout the state.

“We could be in North Jersey on Monday and South Jersey on Tuesday,” she said.

The service, Riggi said, is well-received.

“Everybody loves it,” she said.

She said the unit regularly attends events sponsored by the State, but also appears at events coordinated by local and state legislators.

“We go where we’re told to go,” she said.

Danielsen said the MVC was going to bring one unit down at teh request of the Franklin Township POlice deparftment, and “they were going to bring a second one in anyway, so they called into my office to see if it makes sense. We said yeah, bring one to the senior center.”

“We asked for the MVC to bring one to the Senior Center, because seniors often have the most difficult time getting to their motor vehicle offices,” he said.

The MVC, he said, “has unfolded a plan of convenience and better outreach for all the communities of New Jersey by instituting these mobile units.”

“This is not going to be the last time they’re here; we’re going to bring them back again,” Danielsen said. “We also need to do a better job of advertising their services, so people know and come out and utilize the services they’re bringing.”

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