By Andrew Dars, Somerset.
To all,
As I approach the end of a very enjoyable and eye-opening first-time election campaign, I want to remind you that regardless of your party affiliation, as an American, your vote makes a difference. It’s up to you to choose who will best serve our community vs. voting the traditional party line.
For the past year, I’ve walked through much of our great town, and spoken to thousands of homeowners, renters, students, farmers and business owners. Most didn’t know who their council representative was. They were happy to meet someone who would listen as we discussed their ideas, insights and issues.
When it comes to your municipal town council, think about who will be accessible to you when you have a problem. For over a decade, traditional party line voting has burdened Franklin with a one-party system of government that holds a monopoly of power over your tax dollars. In return, what did we get? We’ve had consistent tax hikes and overbuilding.
As a result, our schools are overcrowded, traffic has increased, tress have been cut down and fields have been paved over. This overbuilding most likely contributed to the recent flooding resulting in excessive personal and business property damage and income lost.
If elected, I have a plan to bring in revenue that won’t tax our infrastructure and a goal of increasing transparency of local government so that each of you will learn where our tax dollars go and who benefits from it.
I’m Andrew Dars, a 30-year resident, and if I’m elected, I pledge to be easily accessible and accountable. On November 2nd, please vote. You have the freedom to choose, and your vote can make a difference.