
In Your Opinion: Show Respect For Township Parks, Open Spaces

By Bill Connell, Somerset.

About a year or so ago I called the Stage House restaurant and asked the hostess if I could make a song request. “You’ve lost that loving feeling.” I said “I really love that song.” Being polite she put me on hold and asked the manager. She came back on and said she could not honor my request. I said, “ok then, I am a half-mile away and can hear you music loud and clear so could you please turn it down.”

That little antidote is for Mr. Reynolds who made some comments at the bottom of a recent news article about Middlebush Park. A highly successful tax-paying business is under pressure to manage noise. It’s not just Pop Warner.

Any group that motivates kids, teaches them skills, and shows them how to work together is a great, that includes Pop Warner. Doing good work does not give you permission to thumb your nose at the rules. Not to mention the message it sends to kids you are trying to nurture. You would have to be delusional to not understand and acknowledge some of Mr. Reynolds inferences but it could just be people fighting for their quality of life. No great conspiracy … may the best man win.

I needed to acknowledge Mr. Reynolds’ comments but I am writing about the vandalism noted in the article. As a member of the Open Space Advisory Committee,  I am aware of the hundreds of hours and millions of dollars spent creating Middlebush Park. It is really beautiful and will fill in nicely.

I am deeply bothered that someone vandalized the sound system – paid for by taxpayers, not by Pop Warner – by breaking the controls of the sound that were extensively discussed. I am pretty sure it wasn’t a Charles Street resident who did it.

Recently a soccer goal was damaged. A thorough investigation revealed no one did it. It just magically happened.

We are installing bathrooms at Middlebush Park. I can’t wait to see what stories that will be brought to open space meetings about the public abuse of those.

The town has embarked on a long-range plan to develop and improve parks and open spaces. They are intended to last generations. Please show respect to your open spaces. Damage and vandalism by is disheartening. Extra care will also leave more money to provide nice things.


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