
In Your Opinion: Mayor Kramer To Hold Virtual ‘Town Meeting’

Dear Franklin Residents:

In our continued efforts to keep everyone updated on accurate and up-to-date COVID-19 information and resources, I will be broadcasting an online discussion with township officials and local press representatives. Residents can post questions in the comments and we will field them as time permits. Please enter questions rather than commentary so that we can locate questions easily and quickly.

Please find instructions below on how to access this event. It is a first effort on a virtual town hall. We will start by using Facebook and we plan to record and upload the event to be shared as a YouTube video link. We may switch to another format in the future.


  • Join Facebook if you do not currently have an account
  • Click on https://www.facebook.com/MayorPhilKramer/
  • Click on the “FOLLOWING” button just under the American flag
  • Make sure that “SEE FIRST” is checked (under “In Your News Feed”)
  • Make sure “ON (Highlight Posts)” is also checked (under Notifications)
  • Please use the INVITE feature on the right to ask your friends to join

Also, in your Facebook homepage “SETTINGS” be sure to go to “NOTIFICATIONS” and activate your “VIDEO” setting to receive live broadcasts. https://www.facebook.com/help/208481212895336

I look forward to being with you virtually on Thursday, March 26 at 7pm.

Thank you all for working together to keep Franklin safe by staying home and supporting one another as we work through this crisis.

Warm Regards,

Mayor Phil Kramer

Your Thoughts


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