
In Your Opinion: Learn The Rules Of Public Participation At Zoning Board Meetings

By Bill Connell.

Last night (June 20) I attended the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting regarding the Levin/Kmart property proposal for mixed use housing-retail, similar what is being built on Hamilton Street. Most of the residents who attended were completely unaware that the Zoning Board is a semi-judicial body whose sole purpose is reviewing the applicant’s proposal. The theatrics of Township Council are not welcome. All that does is run up the bill of the technical experts who are paid for by the applicant. Township employees are the technical experts that manage or refute the expert testimony long before the actual meeting. A lot happens before the meeting . 

 If you start a question to the expert with “I feel,” STOP.  Much like when I write in this space, my Chumley Scott says, nobody cares how you “feel,” Bill.

When dealing with the Zoning Board I am reminded why its important to keep it clinical and unemotional. One resident read the engineering report and noticed somewhat important details that were not in the report. The resident pointed it out, but because he was not a “technical expert,” his observation could not be entered as evidence.  It’s actually a weird dynamic because once the report is submitted, unless you are a technical expert you can’t refute what is in the report even if you are right. You can only hope you that someone on the Board or town employee hears what you said and pushes back on the applicant.  How expert is your expert? That’s another reason to keep it clinical and not clutter your question with “feelings.” Save that for Facebook or Township Council 

It reminded me of when a strip mall was built by my house. I saw a video of the traffic engineer’s testimony. I cannot say she lied, but she understated the dynamic of the traffic patterns.  When I called the county, they said I had to hire a lawyer or spend hours sifting through documents. It was way too late to change anything.

Experts can drink their own bath water and residents can make powerful observations.

Read the documents online and keep it straightforward so the Board does not have to look mean when they are just trying to manage the process. 

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