
In Your Opinion: Happy Fathers’ Day

By Bill Connell, Somerset.

One day I came into the house  ready to brag about some evolutionary breakthrough I had in the garage.  As I am talking, my wife looks at me amazed and in a tone reminiscent of Alice of the Honeymooners says, “it’s amazing you ever had children.”

Apparently she did not like my look, paint-filled clothes and a headlamp that was pushing my hair straight up.   My wife feels you can be high-fashion and productive at the same time and headlamps should be banned because they mess up your hair, 

I am working on a project now that gets me up early. My wife comes down for coffee, opens the garage to say good morning and I blind her with my headlamp.  She must actually like me because she keeps saying good morning and keeps getting blinded. 

Anyway, headlamps are a gift from God and you should not let vanity discourage you from using one. Lowes and Home Depot sell them for $15.00 or so, I picked up a couple on sale at Harbor Freight for $2.00 .   You never know when you need one.  It’s a great Fathers’ Day gift. 

Fathers’ Day is a great excuse to go golfing (I am), but is it really an accomplishment? There are billions of people in the world but being a father and not screwing it up, now that’s something to celebrate!!  

I know a lot of Middle School and High School parents. They are all dealing with the same thing.  Focus and work ethic really start to become important. They are all in a small panic and worry if they are doing it right.  Having done it I say get the basics right and they will come around, just not as fast as you would like.

Even if you have perfect kids, they are still not what you imagined.  It’s hard to sit back and have the wisdom to shut up, and let them find their own path. When you use Google Maps it gives you multiple ways to go., not just one.  Why should life be any different?  

Happy Fathers Day .

Your Thoughts


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