
Flower & Garden Photo Workshop

flower garden show

The Somerset County Park Commission Horticulture Department at the Colonial Park Gardens has scheduled a fall “Flower & Garden Photography Workshop” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 from 9:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. The session will take place in the Rose Garden at the Colonial Park Gardens, Parking Lot A, Somerset, Franklin Township, New Jersey.

The workshop will be presented by professional photographer Brien Szabo (www.natureimages321.com) of Nature Images 321, Inc.

The program will begin with a brief lecture in the Colonial Park Gardens Horticulture Building, followed by a hands on workshop in the Rose Garden focused on creating stunning flower and garden landscape photographs. Participants will be exposed to new creative and technical approaches that will improve photography and provide alternative ideas to help spark creativity. The class is designed to assist photographers of all different levels and every participant will have the opportunity to work one on one with the instructor.

Fee is $35 per person and participation is limited to 12 people. Preregistration is required and may be made by calling 732-873-2459, ext. 21 or the NJ Relay Service at 711 for individuals with a hearing or speech impairment Monday to Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. (except for holidays).

The Rudolf W. van der Goot Rose Garden is one acre in size and contains more than 3,000 roses of 325 varieties. The garden was named in honor of Rudolf W. van der Goot, the first horticulturist with the Somerset County Park Commission, as a tribute to his efforts in designing and developing the garden.

From late spring through fall, the roses present a kaleidoscope of color, form, and fragrance. Visitors can view popular modern hybrids, species, and various classes of Old Garden Roses. All roses are clearly labeled for easy identification and only roses that thrive in central NJ are kept in the garden.

Information on this event and other Somerset County Park Commission activities may be found on the Internet at www.somersetcountyparks.org.

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