
Environmental Commission To Screen Movie About Regenerative Agriculture

Submitted By Jenny Kafas, Franklin Township Environmental Commission Volunteer

We can’t wait for The Franklin Township Environmental Commission’s screening of “Common Ground,” a documentary all about the power of regenerative agriculture, followed by a panel discussion with Jason DeSalvo of Cold Brook Farm, Michele Logan of Maranatha Farm, and Ron Weiss, M.D, of Ethos Farm. 

It all takes place on February 5 at the Franklin Senior Center, 505 DeMott Lane in Somerset. No advance registration required and there is no admission fee.

Sustainable agriculture is a practice of farming that supports a healthy ecosystem by providing important habitat for native plants and animals, and by biosequestration, the practice of storing more carbon than is being released, thereby reducing greenhouse gases. This practice is more important now than ever with a growing population of people that need to be fed and nearly 15 percent of land in NJ being used for agriculture.

This is accomplished through a variety of farming techniques mainly centered around soil health. Healthy soil can support a diversity of plants which in turn provide food sources and habitats for a diversity of insects, birds, and mammals whose populations are generally suffering due to habitat loss. Healthy soil also has the ability to store a large amount of carbon, ultimately keeping it out of the atmosphere and reducing air pollution. 

One of the many techniques that accomplishes these goals and is used by our panelists is permaculture. This technique strives to create farms that require less human intervention by selecting crops that don’t need tilling or replanting every year, rainwater harvesting that aims to store and use rainwater for a healthy watershed, and many more methods including companion planting which is the planting of different crops in the same vicinity to optimize land use, prevent pests and weeds, and create habitat for local fauna.

This inspiring documentary gives us hope in the face of climate change and for our food system that wasn’t designed to be sustainable – and our panelists are carrying out the vision this documentary sets making us one step closer to a sustainable future. Join us Feb. 5 for the film screening followed by what promises to be a very interesting discussion!

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