
Environmental Commission Schedules Two Clean-Ups

The township Environmental Commission has scheduled two cleanups for later this month.

The first is set for Mile Run at 9:30 a.m. to noon on April 15, while the second clean-up is set for Naaman Williams Park, from 3-6 p.m. on April 19.

For Mile Run cleanup, the Commission is partnering with the New Brunswick Environmental Commission (NBEC), Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership (LRWP), Friends of Mile Run, AmeriCorps, The Watershed Institute (TWI) and others.

Boys and Girls Clubs, schools, environmental clubs, businesses, corporations and individuals are invited to participate in this community event. Since 2007, with the help of hundreds of volunteers, we have removed more than 30,000 pounds of garbage from streams in our town. During our site pre-screening, we have identified lots of bottles, plastic plates, utensils, bags, tires and even an abandoned vehicle.

Volunteers may park at the Sts. Peter & Paul Byzantine Church at 285 Hamilton Street, away from the truck area. The clean-up will start at the Hamilton Street bridge at 9:30 a.m. Stream Clean-up coordinators will be available.

All job supplies (gloves, garbage bags, pickers) will be provided. Bring a reusable water bottle, wear appropriate closed-toe footwear for rough terrain, long sleeves and long pants. Light refreshments and water will be available.

Registration is mandatory and includes liability waiver. Please follow the link: https://lowerraritanwatershed.org/event/earth-day-clean-up-of-mile-run-brook-new-brunswick-franklin-twp/.

Volunteers cleaning up Naaman Williams Park can gather at the Matilda Avenue parking lot.

The Commission is is partnering with Nestle and Franklin High School Environmental Club for this cleanup, but all volunteers will be welcome.

Nestle is providing volunteers with trash bags, disposable gloves and refreshments, while the Commission will lend garbage pickers. Bring a reusable water bottle, wear appropriate closed-toe footwear for rough terrain, long sleeves and long pants.

The event captain is Commissioner Maria Santiago-Valentin.

Registration is mandatory and includes a release form. Please follow the link: https://forms.gle/cMVnHy7JVr1LU72P8

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