Submitted by the Somerset County Public Information Office.
Somerset County residents 60 and older are invited to submit one original creation for a Juried Senior Art Exhibit, set for the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Gallery, 20 Grove St., from July 30 through Sept. 7.
Completed entry forms must be received by July 16. All submissions must be the original work of the applicant, created within the last three years, and not previously entered in the Somerset County Senior Art Show.
Categories include watercolors, oils, acrylics, digital/computer art, photography, pastels, drawings, mixed media, sculpture and printmaking.
An awards ceremony will be held on Aug. 14. First place winners in both the professional and nonprofessional categories will have their work displayed at the New Jersey State Senior Art Show, which will be held Sept. 20 through Oct. 25 at Meadow Lakes Senior Living in East Windsor.
All entries must be registered, delivered “show ready” and labeled. To view the entry form and exhibit guidelines, go to http://bit.ly/SeniorArts18. To obtain a hard copy of the entry form and guidelines, contact the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Office at (908) 231-7021.
This exhibit is cosponsored by the Somerset County Office on Aging and Disability Services and the Somerset County Cultural and Heritage Commission. This program is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
For more information, contact Kaitlin Bundy, Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission, at (908) 231-7021 or bundy@co.somerset.nj.us.